West Ruislip PDF

If you go to
You can download a very detailed history on the old RAF base
A visitor's comments on the old West Ruislip Base:-
I thought you may like some info about 7500AFB from about '61 on.
First thing is as you drive through the gate at the end of the dual carriageway over the railway bridge at West Ruislip Station on the Ickenham side is the Military police office on the left, opposite is the NCO club behind the vehicle parking.
Carry on and on the left is a phone booth and a road that leads around to the back of the AYA. (American Youth Association) and then continues down parallel to the main drag.
AQs one continues down the main road one passes various ex RAF buildings from the first world war subsequently used as POW buildings.
As one continues down the road building 3 was the A&AFES cigarettes and alcohol whare house and also expensive items.
Continue down the road and bldg 4 is next that being the wharehouse for all incoming goods and receiving and onforwarding to the respective areas. There is then a large parking area that was bldg 5 but was burnt down, followed by Bldg 6. This was the admin buildg of the A&AFES and also the workshops and the car club. The railway to Ickenham and Uxbridge runs along the back. Opposite Bldg6 is the clothing warehouses for all incoming clothing. As one works ones way back up the road the other warehouse's contained such as a US bank, the local US post office, USAF admin blgs and the Accounts.
Beyond that and the old entrance was the Baseball field and the only other wharehouse which was the refrigerator warehouse.
I used to go to the AYA or AYC depending on year when I was about 16/17 and some years later worked for the EES bldg 6 from '68 thru to '75.
I covered most of the bases and frequently went to South Ruislip.
The Warehouse number 4 SHOULD have been kept as it was of architectural interest and in fact whilst I was there a person from the authorities came and viewed the building and the roof was made out of latticed timber. Apparently, this construction was of immense interest and I was told by said person that they would be making designs on having a preservation order on it. Which I gather was done. How the building was destroyed I do not know but my guess is that something untoward was actually carried out.
Roger Mew