Copyright and the items on this web site
A few words about Ruislip Online's interpretation of copyright, and how it is applied to this site.
First and foremost this site is covered by copyright, everything in it somewhere has copyright on it. This means that if you just "lift" anything from this site you are doing something that is, effectively, illegal.
There are some older pictures on the site that Ruislip Online has "acquired" which are considered of historical interest that we do not hold copyright to. If you see a picture and think you might own, or know who owns, copyright to, please contact us without delay. However you are asked to accept that such pictures are shown not out of any wish to achieve financial gain but only out of a wish to make viewing the web site a more fulfilling experience and also to preserve such items for the future. To the best of our knowledge no pictures have been used where tracing copyright is a relatively simple task, such as those in the book Ruislip Past, or by copying postcards presently commercially available.
Sometimes Ruislip Online is sent pictures by visitors and unless it is obvious that copyright may exist on them (such as if they are apparently taken from a helicopter, and have "Crown Copyright" written on the front!!??) then it is assumed that they have taken them themselves, own copyright and pass over permission for Ruislip Online to display them on this site. A good example of such pictures may be found at South Ruislip USAF Base where visitors have sent in old photographs. However, this does not mean we can pass over copyright to a third party, so if you use them thinking "Ruislip Online will not mind" and they find out, they might, and the fact that you lifted them from this site is of no consequence, you deal with them direct, not via us!!!
If you would like to use any pictures (or text) from this site please ask us first. Normally as long as we are credited for them permission will be given unless such use is for blatant financial gain, equally we can advise you if we actually own copyright to the picture(s) in question. By example a museum in London asked to use certain pictures for a display and permission was given in exchange for a "thank you" on the display, but a local newspaper had to settle with us for "stealing" a section of text about a certain part of Ruislip and then selling advertising on the strength of the article that they had apparently written.
The preferred wording to go UNDER picture(s) where we have given permission for them to be used is "Picture copyright to Ruislip Online" where the Ruislip Online part is a link to the site.
BUT you MUST ask first.
Should you wish to use material but NOT credit us back with a link then, subject to the exact nature of the material, the fee would be £100.00.
Please be aware that Ruislip Online often checks where we consider infringement may have occurred and always follow it up if we think something is not right.
There is no need to steal it - just ASK!!
First and foremost this site is covered by copyright, everything in it somewhere has copyright on it. This means that if you just "lift" anything from this site you are doing something that is, effectively, illegal.
There are some older pictures on the site that Ruislip Online has "acquired" which are considered of historical interest that we do not hold copyright to. If you see a picture and think you might own, or know who owns, copyright to, please contact us without delay. However you are asked to accept that such pictures are shown not out of any wish to achieve financial gain but only out of a wish to make viewing the web site a more fulfilling experience and also to preserve such items for the future. To the best of our knowledge no pictures have been used where tracing copyright is a relatively simple task, such as those in the book Ruislip Past, or by copying postcards presently commercially available.
Sometimes Ruislip Online is sent pictures by visitors and unless it is obvious that copyright may exist on them (such as if they are apparently taken from a helicopter, and have "Crown Copyright" written on the front!!??) then it is assumed that they have taken them themselves, own copyright and pass over permission for Ruislip Online to display them on this site. A good example of such pictures may be found at South Ruislip USAF Base where visitors have sent in old photographs. However, this does not mean we can pass over copyright to a third party, so if you use them thinking "Ruislip Online will not mind" and they find out, they might, and the fact that you lifted them from this site is of no consequence, you deal with them direct, not via us!!!
If you would like to use any pictures (or text) from this site please ask us first. Normally as long as we are credited for them permission will be given unless such use is for blatant financial gain, equally we can advise you if we actually own copyright to the picture(s) in question. By example a museum in London asked to use certain pictures for a display and permission was given in exchange for a "thank you" on the display, but a local newspaper had to settle with us for "stealing" a section of text about a certain part of Ruislip and then selling advertising on the strength of the article that they had apparently written.
The preferred wording to go UNDER picture(s) where we have given permission for them to be used is "Picture copyright to Ruislip Online" where the Ruislip Online part is a link to the site.
BUT you MUST ask first.
Should you wish to use material but NOT credit us back with a link then, subject to the exact nature of the material, the fee would be £100.00.
Please be aware that Ruislip Online often checks where we consider infringement may have occurred and always follow it up if we think something is not right.
There is no need to steal it - just ASK!!